Problems with: Alcohol, Recreational Drugs, and/or Prescription Drugs, as well as Process Addictions (Codependency, Pornography, etc)
Services for Individuals, Couples, and Families:
Joanne takes this seriously. She knows that Substance Use Disorder is a chronic, relapseable, progressive, and often fatal brain disease that affects everyone in a family.* Recovery from addiction is possible and life can be much better for everyone; it takes effort, and it’s totally worth the effort.
As many people say, “My worst day in recovery is better than my best day using.”
Joanne Baum, PhD, LCSW, CAS, offers a variety of individualized services to individuals, couples and families affected by Substance Use Disorder, the brain disease which used to be known as Alcoholism or Drug Addiction (also process addictions including: Porn, Codependency, Gambling, etc). Joanne works with family members even when the person “using” refuses to seek treatment.
Joanne Baum, PhD is available for:
- Evaluations: When you’re not sure if there is a problem or how bad it is, you can find out
- Consultations Regarding Possible Treatment Programs
- Family Oriented, Caring, Effective Interventions
- Individualized Continuing Care after a person has gone through primary care
- Individualized Outpatient Process for highly motivated individuals wanting their life to be different
- Relapse Prevention Services
- Couples Work
- Helping You Shed Unhealthy Codependent Tendencies
- Reconnecting With Yourself and Your Life in Recovery
- Trauma Work to resolve little t or Big T trauma interfering with your sobriety
If someone you care about has a substance use problem and is in denial, you may want to talk about doing an intervention. Joanne has a solid track record for conducting caring, effective interventions.
Dr. Baum can help you decide what level of treatment and what treatment options are appropriate: in-patient, intensive outpatient, or an individualized out-patient treatment alternative. Sober living or half-way houses are other alternatives to consider for longer treatment/recovery options. Follow up research throughout the country has shown that when you spend the better part of a year in different treatment options, you greatly increase your chances for staying clean and sober and not relapsing. In other words, you optimize your chances of being in recovery, without relapsing, when you devote the better part of a year (plus) to learning about your disease, and, learning how to live and enjoy life without using or thinking about using. Joanne has visited treatment programs around the country and has firsthand knowledge to help you choose programs that fit your needs or a family member’s needs.
Continuing care following a treatment program is available for individuals and couples. It is a way to go further in your recovery and sobriety and enhance the skills you learned in treatment to live a life free from active addiction; to be truly Recovering and Enjoying Life.
Couples Work for couples who both want to rediscover each other in healthier ways than when one was actively using and the other was actively worrying or may have been actively enabling…
Joanne works with family members even when the person using isn’t interested in getting help, or, if your loved one is in treatment, you can begin recovering from your part in the “family disease.”
Family Work: Substance Use Disorder (alcoholism and drug addiction) is a “family disease.” One person’s abuse affects everyone in the family. Working with the whole family (when possible) can allow healing on a “systemic” level. Momentum shifts as family members interact in healthier ways. Research shows that when family members have their own recovery program the chances of the person staying in recovery and not using again increases exponentially.
Families go through transitions when a family member enters and completes treatment. Family members often benefit from help with issues such as: loss, hurt, relief, fear, anger, hope, resentment, disappointment, changes in family dynamics, trauma, learning to communicate differently, and learning how to be in your own recovery.
Sadly, sometimes by the time a family member is admitted into a treatment program, their partner is ready for separation or divorce. Joanne Baum, PhD has extensive training and expertise in the divorce process and co-parenting issues. She can provide divorce coaching or post divorce coaching to help your family move respectfully through the transition from one home into two loving homes. For more information click here
Dr. Joanne Baum, LCSW, CAC III began working in the substance abuse field in 1981 as Co-Clinical Director at the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic, Detox Project in San Francisco. Joanne has written four books: One Step Over the Line (about cocaine), The Truth about Pot, Respectful Parenting, and Got the Baby Where’s the Manual?!? which won the 2007 IPPY Gold Medal in Parenting, and Respectful Parenting: From Birth Through the Terrific Twos. She has been in private practice in Colorado, Florida, Indiana and Oregon, currently providing therapeutic services in Colorado and Indiana via HIPPA compliant Telehealth sessions.
Download our Printable Substance Abuse Brochure – Outside
Download our Printable Substance Abuse Brochure – Inside
*The Association of Addiction Medicine (2011): “Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors.
Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.”
Dr. Joanne Baum is licensed in 4 states and can see people throughout Colorado, Florida, Indiana and Oregon.