Life Changes or Life Transitions can be wonderful, rewarding, exhilarating and they can be daunting, scary, anxiety ridden and make you feel hopeless and inadequate. You can feel so stuck and so scared! When this happens, you don’t have to be alone.
“I like to view life changes as ‘the new normal.’ Once we understand, ‘This is how it’s going to be (whether I like it or not)’ we can figure out how to live with, “the new normal” and enjoy life again.”
You can ask yourself:
“How can I survive in times of change and uncertainty?”
“How can I thrive in times of change and uncertainty?”
A planned event or change can be one thing, you’ve at least theoretically planned for it and gotten yourself somewhat “ready.” However, those random hits that life dishes out, that were not expected or wanted…now those can be an entirely different thing; they can easily “throw you for a loop.”
Talk about changes – How about all the changes since March 2020 when Covid Virus hit our country so hard? How many new normal are you reeling from? Are you aware that there is a lot of free floating anxiety and trauma going around – it is NOT just you! Our society is reeling from Covid, economic problems it brought to us, racial injustice/systemic racism and realizing racism is a systemic problem that affects you whether you are minority person of color (POC) or someone with “white privilege” who never even heard that term before. Add in election and post election uncertainty and stress - the likes of which we have never seen before - and it makes sense that many people are feeling “off” and facing depression, anxiety, and stress.
“I have dealt with enough of my own life changes through the years and walked through other peoples’ transitions and changes in my office over the years, I am confident I can help you with yours.”
Some Life Changes Are Easier with a Helping Hand, “Handling the Hard Stuff With You”
- Feeling Stuck in Life and Wanting to Change But Not Knowing
- The What, How or When
- Feeling paralyzed by fear or anxiety and wanting life to be different
- Is alcohol (or other drugs) a problem for me? For my family member
- I went through treatment but now I need help with my recovery
- I’m in, or graduating from college, what’s next – who am I and what do I want to do?
- I’m going through a really big break up…it hurts so bad
- Porn can be addictive? Are you kidding me?
- Trauma – past and present – affecting you
- Thinking about “coming out” but what will my family say
- What does the LGBTQIA+ community mean to me?
- How can I be myself and escape the stigma of who I am?
- How do I enjoy life and not be so stressed out?
- How can I care for my older parents and my own children?
- Systemic racism is overwhelming me
- How do I contend with systemic racism in my life, make a difference, and stay safe?
- Problems with Alcohol or Drugs
- Marriage Problems – Do I stay married? – How can this marraige be better?
- Starting a Family – Becoming Parents
- Adult Children moving back home
- Special Needs Children
- Career or Job Changes
- Divorce
- Empty Nesters
- Moving
- Retirement
- Health Challenges
- Chronic Health Issues
- Chronic Pain
- Death of a Family Member/Grief
- Dementia/Alzheimer’s
- Assisted Living
- Memory Care
Life seems to throw turve balls that can send you running or hiding at almost any time, often, when you least expect it.
During hard and challenging times it can be helpful to have someone to talk to, who will listen, unconditionally accepting your situation, and helping you brainstorm and handle the hard stuff, until you come up with solutions that work for you and your family.
Joanne Baum, PhD has years of personal and professional experience with changes life throws your way. She has ways of listening where you feel “really heard and understood.” Joanne has lots of creative ideas for navigating expected and unexpected changes you are facing. She partners well with people, helping them figure out how to get to “what’s next,” where they can live in comfort, resolving what used to be stressful and scary.